International scientific and practical conference
«Astana MedForum 2024: Medicine of the Future - Integration of Science,
Education and Practice», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the
NcJSC «Astana Medical University»

* Conference Participation Format  
* Place of Work / Study  
* Do you plan to give a report and/or publication  
Additional Information (Please Read)
To participate in the Conference, you need to submit a registration application by August 20, 2024, via the following link:
All registered participants will receive the Conference program, links to video conferences, and online broadcasts of plenary sessions and panel discussions. Registered participants will have access to:
  • Free participation in plenary sessions and panel discussions, commercialization reactor, project showcase, and hackathon;
  • Receipt of participant certificates indicating the number of hours;
  • Receipt of the digital version of the conference program;
  • Receipt of the Resolution prepared based on the conference results.

For all questions related to the organization and participation in the conference, please contact the following phone number: +7 747 389 4166

The Organizing Committee accepts oral and poster presentations from academic leaders, scientists, and healthcare experts worldwide via email at The deadline for submissions is August 20, 2024.
Poster presentations must be formatted according to the requirements specified in Appendix 1.
Following the Conference, a special issue of the scientific-practical journal "Astana Medical Journal" will be published. Articles and/or abstracts should be formatted according to the requirements in Appendix 2 and submitted by August 20, 2024, to the email address

1. Structure of the poster presentation;
  • Title of the poster presentation (IN CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD FONT).
  • Author information (authors), initials and surname of the author, place of work (university or organization), city, country.
  • Relevance (introduction). The introduction should provide a brief and clear explanation of the relevance of the issue and the rationale for the research, the aim, and objectives of the research.
  • Materials and methods of the research. This section should describe the research design and how it was conducted.
  • Results. This section should present the main results obtained during the research in a logical sequence in the text.
  • Conclusions. The "Conclusions" section should summarize the main research results and consider the confirmation of the hypothesis or objective outlined in the research.
2. The language of the poster can be Kazakh, English, or Russian.
3. The file should be named after the first author's surname.
4. The poster should be submitted as a single slide in MS PowerPoint (landscape orientation).

Abstracts should be formatted in Word using Arial 12 font, single-spaced, not exceeding 1 page of A4 size with 2 cm margins on all sides.
Abstract formatting:
The title should be formatted in capital letters without abbreviations. The title page contains the full names of the authors (first and last names in English), as well as the following details for all authors/co-authors: position, place of work, city, country, email address.
The main text of the abstract should be formatted with a first-line indent.
The abstract should be an informational type of message, containing an introduction (relevance), research objective, specific description of materials and methods, brief description of results, conclusions, and keywords (no more than 6).
The introduction should be formatted as one paragraph, highlighting the relevance of the problem studied. At the end of the introduction, the research objective should be stated.
The "Materials and Methods" section should include the research design; description of participants or type of materials used; description of all activities conducted and type of statistical analysis.
The "Results" section should briefly present the obtained data with interpretation. Results should be presented in a logical sequence in text form.
Conclusions should be related to the research objectives and formatted as one paragraph. Conclusions should contain qualified statements and data confirmed by the authors.
When selecting keywords, authors should strictly use medical subject headings (Medical Subject Headings) from Index Medicus.
The text of the abstract should not contain abbreviations, tables, graphs, or other illustrations.
Each abstract should be formatted in a separate file.
The text of the abstract should be carefully edited.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data presented in the materials.
The editorial board reserves the right to make any changes to the manuscript text, provided that such changes do not diminish the value of the scientific data presented in the material.

The requirements for article formatting are detailed on the journal's website in the "For Authors" section: