International scientific and practical conference
«Astana MedForum 2024: Medicine of the Future - Integration of Science, Education and Practice», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the
NcJSC «Astana Medical University»

October 14-15, 2024, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan


On October 14-15, 2024, The «Astana Medical University» Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company, with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is holding the International scientific and practical conference «Astana MedForum 2024: Medicine of the Future - Integration of Science, Education and Practice», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the NcJSC «Astana Medical University».
The event is held with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Conference will bring together all key stakeholders in the field of healthcare, science and higher education - representatives of the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministries and other government authorities and the quasi-public sector, academic leaders and scientists from Kazakhstani and foreign universities and research organizations, leading experts from practical healthcare institutions. This conference aims to discuss global challenges facing the healthcare system, medical education and science, develop recommendation for their solution and define new development horizons in view of technological trends and scientific achievements.


New Frontiers in University Development in the 21st Century:

Development of universities according to the research and digital university model, major trends that will change university operations in the near future, national and international university rankings, the third mission of universities in the 21st century, development of infrastructure and digital architecture in higher education, internationalization of higher and postgraduate education, creation of branches of foreign universities, etc.;

Innovations in Medicine Changing Clinical Practice (Achievements in Scientific-Innovative Biomedicine)

(Regenerative medicine, bioengineering, nanomedicine, personalized and translational medicine), innovative technologies for creating a preventive environment as a foundation for public health, innovative technologies aimed at reducing the burden of socially significant diseases;

Trends in Healthcare Digitalization:

Current trends and future prospects of digitalization in the healthcare system, national digitalization programs in healthcare, successful projects and collaborations in digital technologies and their impact on healthcare development, innovative Yandex solutions for healthcare, implementation of medical technologies in the context of healthcare digitalization, prospects for the development of artificial intelligence in Kazakhstan's healthcare, technological innovations in healthcare management, scientific research and developments in digital medicine, etc.;

New Horizons in Educational Technology and Innovation in Medical Education:

Enhancement of academic integrity principles, creation of an effective educational environment, new directions for training healthcare personnel, joint and dual-degree programs in medical education, development of additional educational programs (Minor), development of innovative educational technologies, including digital technologies, automation of all business processes in the educational process, etc.;

New Horizons in Medical Science Development:

Creation of scientific-technological and engineering parks, integration of universities and research organizations, formation of endowment funds, strengthening interaction between universities and research organizations with the business community, integration of domestic science into the international scientific space, etc.;

New Horizons in Healthcare Specialist Training Infrastructure and Technologies:

Creation and development of university hospitals, integrated academic centers, development of simulation training, virtual reality technologies, and artificial intelligence in healthcare specialist training, etc.;

New Horizons in Social and Educational Work at the University:

Expansion of student self-government roles, development of "disruptive thinking" among students, support for student projects and initiatives, creation of student business incubators and startups, development of inclusive education, creation of a healthy university, comfortable and supportive environment for students, etc.;

New Horizons in University Management and Digitalization:

Implementation of strategic HR management and talent management, creation of an effective employee motivation and retention system, digitalization of all business processes in the university, digital management environment, university PR strategy, modern financial management tools in the university, etc.

New Horizons in the Development of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry:

Current trends and future prospects of the medical and pharmaceutical industry, effective strategies and necessary incentives for localizing the production of medicines and medical devices, and developing domestic production in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors, innovative technologies in the production of medicines and medical devices, etc.


The Conference Program will include plenary sessions and panel discussions, a commercialization reactor, a digital health transformation hackathon, a project showcase, an exhibition of innovative achievements and digital health solutions.

Download the program in .pdf format

Forum "Astana MedFarm Tech"
Venue: Assembly Hall of the Main Building of AMU

Forum Topics:
• Current trends and future prospects of the medical and pharmaceutical industry
• Effective strategies and necessary incentives for the localization of production of medicines and medical devices and the development of domestic production in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors
• Innovative technologies in the production of medicines and medical devices, etc.

Forum Participants:
• Representatives of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan and other government agencies (deputy ministers, heads of committees/departments, specialists),
• International experts and scientists
• Manufacturers of medicines and medical devices
• Associations and unions of legal entities in the field of medicines and medical devices production

Coffee Break

Forum "Astana MedFarm Tech" (continuation)
Venue: Assembly Hall of the Main Building of AMU

Forum Topics:
• Current trends and future prospects of the medical and pharmaceutical industry
• Effective strategies and necessary incentives for the localization of production of medicines and medical devices and the development of domestic production in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors
• Innovative technologies in the production of medicines and medical devices, etc.

Forum Speakers:
• Representatives of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan and other government agencies (deputy ministers, heads of committees/departments, specialists),
• International experts and scientists
• Manufacturers of medicines and medical devices
• Associations and unions of legal entities in the field of medicines and medical devices production

Registration of Participants

Venue: Hall of the Main Building of AMU

Conference Opening Ceremony

Venue: Assembly Hall of the Main Building of AMU

Moderator of the Opening Ceremony:
Kamaljan Talgatovich Nadyrov, Chairman of the Board - Rector, Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan

Welcome Speeches:
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Welcome from the head of WHO (video)

Rectors' Forum "New Frontiers for University Development in the 21st Century"

Venue: Assembly Hall of the Main Building of AMU

Forum Topics:
• Development of universities according to the model of a research and digital university
• Key trends that will change the work of universities in the near future
• National and international university rankings
• The third mission of universities in the 21st century
• Development of infrastructure and digital architecture of higher education
• Internationalization of higher and postgraduate education, establishment of branches of foreign universities

Forum Participants:
• Representatives of government agencies (Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan)
• Rectors of medical universities in Kazakhstan
• Rectors of multidisciplinary and other universities in Kazakhstan
• Rectors of partner foreign universities

Coffee Break

Parallel Events

Panel Session "New Horizons for Education and Innovation Technologies in Medical Education"

Venue: Assembly Hall of the Main Building of AMU

Session Topics:
• Enhancing the role of academic integrity principles
• Creating an effective educational environment
• New directions for training healthcare professionals
• Joint and dual-degree programs in medical education
• Development of additional educational programs (Minor)
• Development of innovative educational technologies, including digital technologies
• Automation of all business processes in the educational process, etc.

Session Participants:
• Representatives of central and local government agencies, Vice-Rectors for Academic Affairs, deans, heads of academic development departments of Kazakhstani and foreign universities

Parallel Events

Commercialization Reactor (Startup Competition)

Venue: Lecture Hall №1 of the Main Building of AMU

Speakers, Jury Members:
• Representatives of JSC "Science Fund"
• Representatives of JSC "National Agency for Innovation Development "QazInnovations"
• Representatives of the IT Startup International Technopark "Astana Hub"
• Representatives of the Alliance of Technology Commercialization Professionals

• Students and employees of Kazakhstani and foreign universities
• Scientists and researchers
• Young entrepreneurs

Hackathon on Digital Health Transformation: Announcement and Presentation of Tasks

Venue: Lecture Hall №2 of the Main Building of AMU

Hackathon Topics:
• Development of mobile applications for monitoring and managing patients with chronic diseases
• Creation of AI-based systems for predicting and preventing disease outbreaks
• Blockchain solutions for ensuring data security in healthcare
• Tools for personalized medicine and patient data analytics
• New educational platforms and tools for medical professionals

Hackathon Participants:
• IT developers
• Healthcare professionals
• Students from medical and IT universities
• Representatives of startups and innovative companies

Coffee Break

Exhibition of Digital Health Innovations and Project Showcase

Venue: Lecture Hall №2 of the Main Building of AMU

• AI-powered diagnostic tools
• Telemedicine platforms
• Smart medical devices
• Patient data management systems
• Health monitoring wearables

• Medical professionals
• IT experts
• Students
• Researchers
• Startups and companies developing digital health solutions

Satellite Events

Exhibition of Innovative Achievements and Digital Solutions in Healthcare
Venue: Hall 1 of the Main Building of AMU

Project Showcase
Venue: Hall 1 of the Main Building of AMU

Poster Presentations
Venue: Hall 1 of the Main Building of AMU

Exhibition of Innovative Achievements and Digital Solutions in Healthcare
Venue: Hall 1 of the Main Building of AMU

Hackathon “Digital Health Transformation”
Venue: Coworking Center of the Main Building Library of AMU


To participate in the Conference, you must submit a registration application by August 20, 2024, via the following link:
Registered participants will receive the Conference program, links to video conferences, and online broadcasts of plenary sessions and panel discussions. Registered participants will have access to:
  • Free participation in plenary sessions and panel discussions, commercialization reactor, project showcase, hackathon;
  • Receipt of a participant certificate with the number of hours indicated;
  • Receipt of a digital version of the Conference program;
  • Receipt of the Resolution prepared based on the Conference results.

For any questions related to the organization and participation in the conference, please contact us at: +7 747 389 4166

The organizing committee accepts oral and poster presentations from academic leaders, scientists, and experts in healthcare from around the world at The deadline for submission is August 20, 2024.
Poster presentations should be formatted according to the requirements outlined in Appendix 1.
A special issue of the scientific and practical journal “Astana Medical Journal” will be published based on the Conference. Articles and/or abstracts should be formatted according to the requirements outlined in Appendix 2 and submitted by August 20, 2024, to

1. Structure of the Poster Presentation:
  • Title of the poster presentation (IN CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD FONT).
  • Author(s) details: initials and surname of the author, place of work (university or organization), city, country.
  • Relevance (introduction). The introduction should provide a brief and clear presentation of the relevance of the issue and the rationale for the research, its goals, and objectives.
  • Research materials and methods. This section should describe the research design and how it was conducted.
  • Results. This section should present the main results obtained during the research in a logical sequence.
  • Conclusions. The "Conclusions" section should summarize the main findings of the research, discuss the confirmation of the hypothesis or goal presented in the study.
2. The poster should be in Kazakh, English, or Russian.
3. The file should be named after the surname of the first author.
4. The poster should be submitted as a single slide in MS PowerPoint (landscape orientation).

Abstracts should be formatted in Word using Arial 12 font, single-spaced, with a maximum length of 1 A4 page with 2 cm margins on all sides.
Abstract Formatting:
The title should be formatted in capital letters without abbreviations. The passport section includes the names of the authors (name and surname in English), as well as the following details of all authors/co-authors: position, place of work, city, country, email address.
The main text of the abstract should be formatted with a first-line indent.
The abstract should include an informational message containing an introduction (relevance), research aim, specific description of materials and methods, brief description of results, conclusions, and key words (up to 6).
The introduction should be one paragraph long, highlighting the relevance of the problem. At the end of the introduction, the research aim should be stated.
The “Materials and Methods” section should include the research design; description of participants or type of material used; description of all conducted activities and type of statistical analysis.
The “Results” section should briefly present the obtained data with interpretation. The results should be presented in a logical sequence in text form.
Conclusions should be related to the research goals and formatted as a single paragraph. Conclusions should contain qualified statements and data confirmed by the authors.
When selecting keywords, authors should strictly use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Index Medicus.
The text of the abstract should not contain abbreviations, tables, graphs, or other illustrations.
Each abstract should be in a separate file.
The text of the abstracts should be carefully edited.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data presented in the materials.
The editorial team reserves the right to make any changes to the manuscript text if such changes do not diminish the value of the scientific data presented in the material.

The requirements for article formatting are detailed on the journal's website in the "For Authors" section:


Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Beibitshilik 49A


October 14-15, 2024


offline, online



+7 747 389 4166


+7 747 389 4166
